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We believe in Andrew Plan as our expansion strategy

We have found that the most effective way to grow the local church is through relationship evangelism. We can see through the Word of God that this was a pattern that Jesus’ disciples used when they first had an encounter with Jesus and since it worked for the early church, it will work for us.

John 1:40-45

We believe that the church of Christ is ordained for continuous and unending growth. As it is written, “I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”, that is, the gates of hell shall not be able to stop the church from expanding/growing until the end of time. Matt. 16:18; Pro. 4:18.

We believe Elevation Bible Church is a living organism, therefore, it is natural for it to grow if it is healthy. If a church is not growing, it is dying.

We believe that every believer owes God at least ONE properly discipled and church-established soul every year. However, there is no limit to how many souls one can disciple in a year because he that sows sparingly shall reap sparingly and he that sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully – Luke 13:6-9;2Cor. 9:6-7;1Cor. 3:8

Operation Andrew Sunday

We Believe in Soul Winning:

Our expansion plan:

However, it is by wisdom that a house is built and by understanding, it is established. Pro. 24:3-4. Therefore, wisdom is key to sustaining the growth of the Church as indicated severally in the early church. Divinely inspired strategies are crucial to sustaining church growth.

For how you can get involved, 

Contact us through this phone number: 301-531-4257
Email Address: [email protected]

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