Ecclesiastical Entrepreneurism
We advocate the concept of ecclesiastical entrepreneurism as a necessary component of church life and its impact on the community. People need more than money to be empowered. They need a Kingdom mindset toward money. Thus, part of the church’s agenda when it comes to economics is to disciple believers with biblical knowledge in areas such as saving, budgeting, and investing, as well as to create opportunities for self-fulfillment and employment. This means that the gifts and skills of the church membership must be enlisted to serve the kingdom in the area of economic development.
We are a community church who has answered the call to move beyond the four walls that have confined many churches and take ministry to the community where there are many needs to be met. Our Economic Development Ministry has answered this call by dedicating itself to improving the economic status of the communities in which we interact.
We strive to first empower our people who then will turn around and empower the community. One of the most important things we do is to provide educational opportunities to educate and empower people to be better. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”
We do not want our people, especially our young people, who are the church of today and tomorrow to be lacking in knowledge. Therefore, we educate and empower people in the following areas: finances, employment, entrepreneur skills, credit building, resume building, interviewing skills, job searching, and much more. We strongly believe we must first educate and train before people can be empowered to go out beyond the four walls of the church. Another thing we do at Elevation Bible Church is to strive to support business owners within the church. We cover our businesses in prayer. Perhaps you have a creative idea to empower the church and community. Please contact us at:
Phone Number: 301-531-4257
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